Reset Password Plugin

The Reset Password plugin allows users to reset their password for their account (if they have an account set up in the Users table). This is particularly useful on websites that contain a Members area or for ecommerce websites.

Adding a Reset Password plugin

  • To add a new plugin to a page, select the "+" (General Plugins) icon in the left hand side menu.
  • Locate the Reset Password plugin and drag and drop it onto the page, into whichever content block you would like it.
  • Once you have done this, the Reset Password modal will pop up - which provides you with the modal to set the plugin up.

Setting up the plugin:

  1. Redirect URL - this is the URL that the plugin will redirect the user to upon entering their email address into the email field.
  2. Login Page URL - this is the page on the site where your login form is kept - by default this is /cms/login, however it can be any page that has a "Login Form" on.
  3. Reset Password Email URL - this URL should link to the page in which a Reset Password plugin is kept, it will be sent to the user alongside a verification slug in the URL to allow them to reset their password.
  4. Email Template - select an email template that will be sent to the user upon entering their email address into the Reset Password form. By default this should be the Reset Password email template - as this includes the key that is sent in the email for a user to reset their password.