Adding Content Blocks

Content blocks are used on all pages to define the areas on the page of which plugins can be dragged into. There are various built-in Content blocks which should allow for a wise variety of content display on your website.

Adding a content block
Add content block icon

Adding Content Blocks (Content Block Editor)

Enter Edit Mode by clicking on the pencil icon at the top of the left hand toolbar menu.

Hover your mouse over the Content Block for the on-page menu. Click the grey + (above, use either the top + - which adds a Content Block above your selection or bottom). This triggers the Content Block Editor where you can select the type of content block to add to the page. 

By default you can choose from:

- Single Column
- Single Column Double Width
- Two Columns 50/50
- Three Columns 33/33/33
- Two Columns 30/70
- Two Columns 70/30

Once you have selected the content block and it is on the page, you can drag plugins into it. Remember to use the Save button in the top toolbar after adding a content block.

Sorting existing Content Blocks on a page

Hover your mouse over the Content Block for the on-page menu. Use the Up and Down arrows to move the Content Block up or down.

NOTE - you can also sort Content Blocks via the Content Block Modal - click the pencil icon on the on-page menu and the modal will appear in the bottom right of your screen. From there select Sort - this allows you to drag and drop the content blocks.

Delete a content block

Hover your mouse over the Content Block for the on-page menu.  Select the Bin icon on the far right of the content block, as circled in the image above. 

This will remove the content block and all plugins within the Content Block from the page.