Program Engine

Jolojo has its own inbuilt program engine that can provide various functions. We built this as an alternative to adding any form of hard coded logic or arrays of data to general or bespoke plugins. This means that maintenance of website is much easier, as the programs can be modified quickly and easily without delving into the Go back end or Svelte front end.

The programs are organised into two sections, Programs and Program Data:

When you add a program, the modal for adding the program also includes documentation, please refer to this for more help.

Programs in plugins

In addition, plugins can enable programs through their scoping / permissions function. Each plugin can have its own program which can be written directly into the plugin.

As a quick example, if we select a text plugin, the top bar contains the scoping icon (padlock), selecting this brings up the scoping options. Selecting 'Use a program' and adding the following visible = url_query; will only show the plugin if there is (any) url query in the url. You can try it on  this page, either edit the URL by adding ?something or clicking this link /advanced/programs?something - do you see a new plugin showing below this?

Admin > Programs
